The Executive Assistant, your internationally oriented EA, enjoys working for expats
The Executive Assistant (EA) is the internationally oriented EA working within international companies in The Netherlands, and preferably for foreign Directors (expats), such as the CEO, CFO, SVP, VP and on a 1:1 basis.
Business English is the main language in the office. Other languages are an asset in foreign companies, which many of our Executive Assistants master.
Multi lingual, reliable, loyal, discrete and integer
Needless to say that the Executive Assistant masters her languages, of which the English language is the most important one. Some of our Executive Assistants also master the German, French, Spanish, Italian and/or Chinese language!
Since assisting and organizing both business and private matters for her principal are part of the job, the Executive Assistant is well experienced, has strong communicative and organizational skills. Furthermore, she is discrete, loyal, integer and knows her trade.
More information or submitting a job offer ?
Are you looking for your new Executive Assistant? Please, do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail or by the job offer form .